Important Information

Proper Attire -

Shoes and Dancewear are available to purchase at the studio.
All dancers must have hair pulled up and out of their faces.

Class per Week

1  core class per week
2 core classes per week
3 core classes per week
4 core classes per week

Tuition -

Tuition per Month

$46.00 a month
$90.00 a month
$132.00 a month
$172.00 a month

Core Classes

Ballet/Tap Combo
Pointe (by invite only)
Jazz/Tap Combo Strength & Technique Ladies Clog

Add On Classes

Hip Hop

Add on classes are $23 a month if taken with another class. $46 a month if taken alone.

Recital & Costumes -

A fully staged production will  be held in the spring.  All classes will perform.

A $60.00 costume down payment per student, per class is due with your November payment. Costume balance due notices will be sent out in January. (Costume prices range from $80.00 to $120.00). Please keep in mind that there will be extra rehearsal involved

Missed or Canceled Classes -

Missed Classes
Missed classes are not refundable or deductible.

Cancelled Classes
If I am unable to teach, an assistant will teach, or you will be notified and the class will be made up.

Snow Days
If school is cancelled because of bad weather, do not bring your child to dance class. Check York Dance Center Facebook page and check your email. We allow 2 snow days per class, after that we will do our best to schedule make up lessons.    
Never drop your child off without making sure the studio is open.

Payments are due at your first lesson in September and by the 10th of each month October - April.

Late Fee Policy - $10 late fee will be added to your account after the 10th of each month & an additional $20 after the 20th.

Insurance -

It is required that all students be covered by their own family insurance policies.  If injury occurs it is understood that the student's own policy is your only source of reimbursement.